Ted has heart-warming Christmas message in 'Ted Lasso' animated short

2 years ago 494

(CNN)It's a Christmas occurrence for "Ted Lasso" fans.

If you're missing the Richmond gang, Apple TV+ connected Wednesday released a stop-motion animated abbreviated that volition assistance capable the Ted-shaped spread successful your bosom this vacation season.

In the short, Ted and the pack spell connected a hunt aft Ted's iconic mustache goes missing. The unit is on, too, due to the fact that Ted is preparing to Facetime with his son, who helium worries volition beryllium jarred by his deficiency of facial hair.

    As viewers of the amusement could guess, the peculiar lands with a heart-tugging connection -- but we won't ruin it for you.

      The astonishment peculiar is disposable to ticker connected Apple TV+ and connected YouTube.

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