Category: Science

Gene responsible for cat fur patterns could lead to des...

Researchers have discovered the genetic basis for the different patterns of fur seen in domestic cats, but caution against the ide...

Some animals are evolving new body shapes as the climat...

Some endotherms, commonly called warm-blooded animals, have grown larger wings, beaks or tails to increase their surface area, whi...

Watch a one-legged robot hop about as researchers try t...

A one-legged robot that can stand, hop and keep its balance on sloping or unsteady surfaces could offer a cheaper route to bipedal...

Polar bears in Svalbard archipelago are inbreeding due ...

As global warming causes Arctic ice to melt away, archipelago-based polar bears are having more difficulty reaching each other, re...

Foam from frogs' nests could help make bandages that re...

The foam that some frogs produce to make nests can keep its shape for more than a week and can slowly release drugs for days, whic...

Listen to an Australian duck say ‘You bloody fool’ like...

When raised in captivity, musk ducks learn to copy the sounds of human life around them, which shows that they are what’s known as...

Covid-19 news: Scientists condemn lack of protections i...

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...

Covid-19 news: UK and Australia agree to share vaccine ...

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...

Mix-and-match antibiotic prescriptions may help lower r...

Antibiotic resistance might be reduced if doctors instruct people to alternate between three different antibiotic medicines daily,...

Zebras rolling in pits help give life to the Namib dese...

Rolling on the ground seems to be essential to life – at least in Africa’s Namib desert, where zebras bathe in dust, creating pits...

Male bigfin reef squid may be the best fathers of all c...

Squids aren’t known for good parenting, mostly because they usually die after mating, but male bigfin reef squid check nests for p...

Call centre workers can use AI to mimic your accent on ...

AI software can detect the accent of a person on one end of an online or telephone conversation and modify the accent a responding...

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