Category: Science

Quantum computer helps to design a better quantum compu...

Quantum computers can simulate quantum circuits, which helps to speed up the design of new quantum processors

Maps of planetary nurseries will help the complex hunt ...

Five planetary nurseries have been chemically mapped in the most detail ever, showing hints of unexpected variety and high concent...

Blame fossil fuels, not renewables, for the UK's winter...

Rising gas prices mean the UK is facing a difficult winter and some people are keen to point the blame at the shift to renewables ...

Mushballs inside Uranus and Neptune may solve an atmosp...

Uranus and Neptune appear to have less ammonia than expected, but it might have been hidden by slushy balls of ammonia and water t...

UN says global carbon emissions set to rise 16 per cent...

A UN analysis of countries' latest plans to cut carbon emissions shows they will actually rise 16 per cent on 2010 levels by 2030,...

Woman who first gained sense of smell at age 24 finds i...

A woman born without the brain regions needed to smell has puzzled doctors by gaining the ability to detect some smells in her twe...

The BepiColombo spacecraft is about to make its first M...

The BepiColombo mission to Mercury will pass within about 200 kilometres of the surface of Mercury in October, where it will measu...

Having HPV while pregnant linked to increased risk of p...

A study of 900 pregnant women has found that those infected with human papillomavirus were almost four times more likely to give b...

Ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets could be decoded...

The 4500-year-old written tablets that shine a light on life in ancient Mesopotamia are often damaged, but a predictive AI trained...

Covid-19 news: Call to investigate impact of vaccines o...

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...

UK night skies will be among worst hit by satellite meg...

From anywhere on Earth there may soon by hundreds of satellites visible in the night sky at any time of year because of satellite ...

Are UK energy supplies in trouble after fire at French ...

A fire at a facility that connects the electricity grids of the UK and mainland Europe has led to talk of a potential winter energ...

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