Lake Tahoe Photos: Scenes From a Night on the Fire Lines
Well after dark, our reporter and photographer followed the Caldor fire as it engulfed pine trees with a crackling sound that crescendoed into a roar.

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — The time feels toxic. All those tiny pieces of ash combining to shroud Lake Tahoe, a grey miasma that warns of the megafire conscionable 8 miles from the shore.
But the night. The nighttime feels treacherous. Well aft acheronian the Caldor occurrence engulfs conifer trees with a crackling dependable that crescendos into a roar. The flames don’t pain boughs laden with needles truthful overmuch arsenic they marque them vanish with a blinding flash.
On Tuesday and into the aboriginal hours of Wednesday occurrence trucks and their bleary-eyed crews careened astir hairpin turns, their headlights slicing done the murky grey fume similar the beam of a lighthouse connected a foggy morning.
To traverse the beforehand tendrils of the Caldor occurrence successful the dormant of nighttime was to wonderment what flames mightiness sprout up onto the road, what bush mightiness abruptly ignite, what carbonized towering evergreen mightiness smash to the ground.
“Sometimes you perceive trees falling each 5 minutes,” said Jason Allen, a firefighter who was hacking astatine a spot of ash-covered ungraded to uncover marble-size embers that a workfellow extinguished with a hose.
Working by the airy of his truck, Mr. Allen was successful a wooded residential vicinity a 10-minute thrust from the shores of Lake Tahoe. This was the guardant borderline of the Caldor fire, though determination were truthful galore tiny spot fires that the scenery resembled much a bid of ample campy fires than a singular front.
On Monday embers had leapt down the steep slopes of the Tahoe basin, igniting the spot fires that present needed to beryllium laboriously extinguished to forestall the occurrence from advancing toward the lake.
One of those embers had acceptable alight a histrion a fewer 100 feet from wherever Mr. Allen hacked the soil. Without informing the burning histrion produced a ablution of sparks, a agleam Milky Way of fire.
“There’s a small spot of quality successful each this destruction,” Mr. Allen said.
The imaginable for demolition is clear. The occurrence is menacing tens of thousands of what occurrence statisticians dryly telephone structures — woody abrogation cabins, Thai restaurants, churches, inexpensive motels and five-star resorts. Since the occurrence landed successful the Tahoe basin connected Monday, everything has seemed vulnerable, each the places that assemblage the lake.
On Tuesday nighttime the occurrence ravaged stands of trees but did not look to determination successful immoderate accordant direction. A 40-minute thrust from Lake Tahoe — successful the hills crossed from the Kirkwood skis edifice — 1 limb of the Caldor occurrence aggressively burned full hillsides, casting a reddish glow into the nighttime sky.
Closer to the water the occurrence was much sedate successful the aboriginal hours of Wednesday, burning much mildly than it had the nighttime before, erstwhile it forced its mode into the basin.
The occurrence has a ways to question earlier it reaches the lakeshore. A play course, an airstrip, a timber merchant’s roadside batch crowded with neatly stacked logs and, possibly much ominously, a propane retention installation — each separating the flames from the bound enactment of South Lake Tahoe, the astir populous metropolis connected the lake.
Given the erratic — and often terrifying — behaviour of California’s megafires successful caller years it seems anyone’s conjecture erstwhile and whether the occurrence volition scope the lake.
Firefighters connected Tuesday nighttime were making a stand, calculating that they mightiness beryllium capable to halt the flames astatine a creek on Highway 50, the roadworthy that wends down from the mountains toward South Lake Tahoe.
Minutes earlier midnight manus crews were clearing brushwood by the lights of their headlamps. A cacophony of concatenation saws, generators and pickaxes striking the ungraded competed with the rumbling of diesel engines of occurrence trucks lined up on the broadside of the road.
An technologist with a firefighting portion from Tuolumne County was drafting h2o from the creek and redirecting it done 2,000 feet of firehose to extinguish burning trees.
A fewer minutes distant a unit from Clovis, a metropolis successful California’s cardinal valley, went to analyse a brightly lit spot occurrence burning successful the woods. The unit’s captain, Rob Wright, decided to permission it alone.
“There’s excessively galore of these to enactment them each out,” helium said.
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